Hike for Hospice

Community Care Foundation


152 Angeline St. N.
Lindsay, ON
K9V 4X3

Hike for Hospice is a national event through the Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care Association that takes place annually across the country. Our Hike has over 200 hikers that come out to walk/ run up to 5km on the Trans-Canada trail. Funds are raised by teams through personal or team pledges. Participants of the Hike are individuals and families in the community that come out to honour the memory of a loved one that has passed or supporters that understand the importance of Hospice Services. For over a decade, Hike for Hospice has grown to become an entrenched and much beloved event in our community.

We are excited to see everyone in person at our 2024 Hike for Hospice! Sunday June 2nd, Community Care CHC Building (21 Angeline St. N.), sign-in opens at 11:00am. Pledge or Register now at www.hikeforhospice.ca

Download the pledge form here