Hospital to Home

Personal Support Services

705-324-7323 ext. 311

152 Angeline St N
Lindsay, ON
K9V 4X2

Community Care partners with Ross Memorial Hospital and Ontario Health East’s Home & Community Care to help facilitate the discharge of patients ready to leave the hospital, who face barriers to a smooth transition from hospital to home.

These free, short-term supports provide help to seniors and adults with special needs to settle at home safely, comfortably and in a timely manner after a hospital stay with transportation and settlement support.

A Personal Support Worker (PSW) will meet you at your home once you arrive there from the hospital, pick up medications and/or groceries, provide a light meal or meal preparation, and provide personal care or homemaking services. There is a follow-up phone call shortly after the settlement home to check on well-being and make referrals to other services.

Clients will be assessed for barriers to discharge from the hospital and may receive help for a limited period of time with services such as meals, transportation, emergency response, respite, and one-time expenses such as the purchase or rental of mobility equipment.