21 Angeline St. N.
Lindsay, ON
K9V 5B7
Falls prevention exercise classes are designed to help individuals, particularly older adults, reduce their risk of falling. These classes typically include a combination of cardio endurance, strength training, balance exercises, and flexibility activities. The primary goal is to improve muscle strength, enhance balance and coordination, and increase overall stability. Classes are led by trained instructors and may also include education on safe movement techniques and home safety tips. All classes require pre-registration, and are free of charge.
Ease into Exercise – Every Monday (except holidays) 3 pm – 4 pm
Led by a certified Seniors Fitness Instructor, this class focuses on cardio, strength, balance and flexibility. This program encourages participants to stay functionally fit longer, increase physical activity levels and decrease the risk of falls.
The low impact exercise class is designed for people new to exercise, who may require modifications from a seated position.
Stay Fit – Every Monday (except holidays) 11am – 12 pm, 1 – 2 pm & Wednesday (Lindsay Armouries) from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Led by a certified Seniors Fitness Instructor, this class focuses on cardio, strength, balance and flexibility. This program encourages participants to stay functionally fit longer, increase physical activity levels and decrease the risk of falls.
The moderate impact group is a step up from the low impact exercises, with more challenging exercise for progression.
Stay Fit Strength and Balance – Every Thursday 3:15 – 4:15 pm
This group has benefits for bone health, while encouraging skills related to stability and coordination. Exercises performed in this class are a next-step option for beginners, as we build muscle strength, endurance, and balance practice.
Ease Into Strength and Balance – Every Wednesday 1:30 – 2:15 pm
Join us as we build muscle strength, muscle endurance, and practice balance activities. This group has is designed for older adults new to exercise.