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Geriatric Assessment & Intervention Network (GAIN)

GAIN Program

705-324-7323 ext. 300

21 Angeline St N
Lindsay, ON
K9V 5B7

Our Geriatric Assessment and Intervention Network Clinic is for seniors who live at home or in retirement residences. It is an inter-professional team of healthcare providers who are experts in seniors’ health.

WHAT IS GAIN…The Geriatric Assessment and Intervention Network (GAIN) is a system of 12 teams located in East Scarborough, Durham, Haliburton, Peterborough, Kawartha Lakes, and Northumberland Counties.

WHAT WE OFFER… GAIN Teams provide a comprehensive geriatric assessment, assessments of memory and thinking, assessments of balance, mobility and fall risk, medication and supplement review by a geriatric pharmacist, management of responsive behaviors, caregiver support and navigation, investigation, diagnosis, treatment, education, support, and care to older adults dealing with complex health concerns about any of the following:

  • memory loss or confused thinking
  • walking and mobility
  • falls or risk of falls
  • bladder and bowel control
  • multiple medications
  • difficulty coping
  • safety issues
  • frequent hospital visits


  1. Team member(s) will meet with you and your family to help determine your needs. This assessment involves various examinations and discussions. It is done using a multi-disciplinary team approach.
  2. Together we will make a care plan.
  3. As part of your healthcare team, we will provide and help coordinate some of your identified healthcare needs and work with other members of your healthcare team.

OUR SERVICE… referrals can be made by patients/ families, doctors, and other health providers.

For patients visiting the GAIN clinic, for the first time, please bring

  • Your Health Card
  • A family member or someone who knows your healthcare history
  • Walking aids
  • Eyeglasses
  • Hearing aids
  • All medications, including over-the-counter products and supplements (please bring all medication containers, bottles, eye drops, cream, etc.)

Please click on the form below and complete and send the eReferral form. It will appear in our Ocean portal as an Ocean referral.

Wait time for assessment is currently at 6+ months.