21 Angeline St. N.
Lindsay, ON
K9V 5B7
It often takes many attempts to successfully quit smoking. Smoking support and information is available for smokers at all stages of change.
Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes Community Health Centre is pleased to offer a free smoking cessation program.
Support in your effort to quit smoking is provided by a TEACH (Training Enhancement in Applied Counselling and Health) trained nurse. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is offered as part of these services for those who are interested and is available through the Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) program in partnership with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
Services Offered:
- One-to-one counselling, education and support
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
- Harm reduction approach
- Access to community resources related to smoking
*For more information speak to your primary care provider
If you are not a client of the Community Health Centre, there is still help available;
- CAMH Strategies for Quitting Vaping
- HKPR District Health Unit Quit Smoking and Vaping
- Canadian Cancer Society You Can Quit
- Smoker’s Helpline Resources
- CAMH self-help resources
- CAMH My Change Plan
- Health Canada On the Road to Quitting
- Health Canada On the Road to Quitting Young Adult
- FAQ about Nicotine Patches, Gums and Lozenges
- First Nations and Inuit Clients IT’S TIME Toolkit
- Smoker’s Helpline Talk Tobacco – Indigenous Quit Smoking and Vaping Support
- Pregnant and Postpartum Women Pregnets
- Quit Smoking Apps