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Community Care relies on a diverse base of support to provide services in the City of Kawartha Lakes.


Financial support from the Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (through Ontario Health East – formally the Central East Local Health Integration Network) accounts for the largest portion of Community Care’s total budget. The Government of Canada also funds special projects throughout our agency.

Ontario Health East

Many health services provided by Community Care are supported by the provincial government through Ontario Health East. Ontario Health East encourages local agencies to work together to build a stronger, more integrated public health care system for local residents.

Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge Health Unit (HKPR)

Community Care receives funding from HKPR Health Unit through the Ministry of Health to provide services for a publicly funded dental care program for low-income seniors titled Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program (OSDCP). For more information about this program, please visit our dental program webpage.

City of Kawartha Lakes

Community Care’s wheelchair accessible and non-emergency transfer transportation services help take pressure off Emergency Medical Services in the City of Kawartha Lakes, freeing ambulances to respond to emergencies in a timely way. In recognition of this support, the City of Kawartha Lakes provides an “EMS Diversion” fee for rides that would otherwise have needed an ambulance.

Fee for Service

Community Care charges fees for a number of the services and supports provided to help defray costs of service delivery and program materials. Please visit our Programs & Services section of our website for applicable fees and further information on individual programs.

Fundraising & Donations

A large portion of Community Care’s annual budget must be raised through special initiatives and fundraising. As a registered charitable organization, Community Care welcomes donations from individuals, groups and businesses. Donors can support the agency by taking part in special fundraising events or donating to the organization in many different ways.

Grants & Foundations

Service clubs and foundations, including the Ontario Trillium Foundation, also make contributions that are essential to ensure that Community Care continues to meet the needs of local residents.